
Thursday 27 December 2007

Relationships Can Be "BackTracked"

What the heck is this statement all about?
As a start, I am back in the relationship stage. Starting all over again and hopefully this time Id be able to at least upgrade the "happiness" I get out of all these hooplas.
I was in a daze when I all the things I could expect to come before the year ends truly happened. I got all surprised when I had to at least backtrack with this person I dated 1 week ago that it was long overdue for the relationship to start. Then an agreement was sealed without me asking for it. Came as a sweet surprise indeed.
Forgive me if I am lost for words on what to write on. Im on a high. Yet again, the only thing I could hope for is a lasting relationship that would not bring me any uncertainties. I stop and think about it for a second and have to remind myself that I should not be idealistic. I had to slap myself and not overanalyze because it presents a danger. I am no longer the pessimist about relationship.
As a committment to myself, I will make sure this will work this time. I can see some potential hardship. Then its about two consenting people both in a "win-win" situation.
I know this will work.
My current inspiration: BUILT TO LAST (click on the link)

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