I am glad on the feedback/comments received and I couldn't agree more on those who had additional items to point out.
Hence, I am now ready to give you the bad side of being jobless:
This is probably the most obvious item each one will experience when being jobless. No work, no pay. Obviously, whatever you left on your pocket, savings account are depleted and it only gets worse as the day progresses. The longer you get jobless the more likability for someone to get broke.

I love watching TV but day by day it gets worse since you have time to sit down and watch your favorite movie shows like soap operas, reality tv. Name it...I am so updated. I am a certified couch potato. Good thing, I have good metabolism that it doesn't increase much of my weight. The love handles must go away soon.

To supplement my point on little or no income, investments made will definitely suffer. I am really sad that my purchase on a property (condominium) is hanging by a thread at the moment. To make matters worse, i lost my checking account because an incompetent staff from the developer made a huge mistake. I was forced to cancel my investment from my former employer. Eventhough, I am receiving credits for it, I lost the opportunity of earning at least 400% on stocks alone.

I never wanted to leave my company. Seriously, I was planning on building my life successfully with them but I had to leave because of matters that I didn't have any control. This is my advice to all those who take their jobs for granted, there will be consequences and I am positive this post showed that the bad side of being jobless is not fun at all. It is stressful and energy-draining. Think a gazillion times before quitting or leaving your job. WHen you do, make sure you are prepared for it. Be thankful of the job you have right now because the freedom you gain from being jobless is really not a walk in the park.
Photo credits: all taken from GOOGLE
As the saying goes, "don't know what you've got until you've lost it." Keep the faith Rickz!
All the Ricky! Dadating din yan!
@Jackie...you are right especially when you have no plans...
@Thirdy...thanks...i just lost my wallet and i just realized it when my housemate asked me if i was able to pay all the bills today....kainis.....
Nice. Don't worry much about being chain at the moment. The key has got to be found somewhere. :) Walang gagawa ng lock na walang susi. All the best.
@YAJ...and i guess this blog is a blessing in disguise because after i posted it, i got three responses from past applications asking me for cv's and invterviews....thats something to look forward to.....thanks for dropping by
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