
Monday 4 June 2007

Thorns on my Back! Take them Out!

There is not exact way of describing the way how i feel today.

I am neglected on my own crib. I just wanna break down now and give them a smack on their faces. You should have opened the door coz I was banging it so loudly and what the hell happened to your phone being off on that very special night when I needed a f***ing ventilation. Quite coincidental huh!

The other one is a little too selfish and thinks that I need to help him at whatever cost. I am starting to feel like I am being abused. There will come a time when all Ive left is nothing but purely civil emotions and feelings toward. You're lucky I still love you despite what has happened.

I am no crybaby that is why it is difficult to let out my emotions and when I am all filled up, i burst like a volcano.

I have recently deleted someone on my friends list. Why? Shes pathetic and wants to be the center of attention. She is insecure yet bitchy. She has been complaining about the same thing over and over again and wants to create a drama over petty little things. Too much drama stories doesnt amuse me at all. So it's time to move on. I cannot be one of those audience anymore.

This day sucked big time!

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