
Thursday 25 February 2010

The Anniversary That Will Probably Never Be!

Right now! It feels like the world is tearing up into pieces shattering the hopes and dreams of becoming happy. We blamed ourselves and managed to talk it for a good 2 horrendous hours. Nevermind the lack of sleep....I was hoping there was something that we could possible think that could innovate things until you blew the whole thing.....

I dont mind being tagged a cheater or a liar coz I knew I am guilty about are you!
But to tag me phrases indicating your hypocrisy on our issue/s is totally uncallled for.

I am hurt....really hurt and the one whom I have vowed to stay loyal with broke my heart into pieces when he thought of me as an object never worthy enough because he was dirty and filthy......

I never saw this coming until the statement came out flawless from your thoughts out to your mouth.
I am in shock because its not how i saw your cheating and lying when I caught you. I thought of it as an area of opportunity for us to grew more and explore other areas that could make us blossom among the sewers of shattered relationships.

It has been hours since I made my decision. NO matter how hurt I am the only thing that matters right now is how things would progress according to what you want. I think i left my brain somewhere as I am not really functioning well amidst the terrible demands of my job.....I am out of focus....

Five more days onto our fateful anniversary....could have been, might have been...SAVED but i abhor the fact that you dont see me as your partner anymore but just a thing that is either clean or filthy....I have good news for you, I will never be your object and basically thats the reason why I am flaming right now.

If my anger could light up this office, youd probably know how disappointed I am.
I am shaking and terribly sad.....

Why? How come?

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